2018 Senior and Junior Grand Warden
On Wednesday, December 13th, Massachusetts Freemasons from all over the commonwealth voted for the following brethren to serve them in 2018:
2018 Senior Grand Warden

Fred A. Dobson, Jr. – Fred was raised in John Hancock Lodge (Methuen) on January 27th, 2009. He’s had a productive eight years as a Master Mason; he’s gotten involved with several organizations and served in many roles at both the Lodge and Grand Lodge level.
He served as Worshipful Master of John Hancock Lodge from September of 2012 until June of 2014. His term in the East began at the tail end of his term as the Grand Pursuviant for 2012’s Senior Grand Warden, Richard A. Gesualdo.
Fred was then appointed by M.W. Harvey J. Waugh to serve as the District Deputy Grand Master for the Lodges in the 11th Masonic District for 2015 and 2016. Following the conclusion of his term as District Deputy, Fred was appointed co-chairman of the District Deputy Grand Master resource team in 2017.
Fred is a member of the Scottish Rite in both the Valley of Boston and the Valley of The Merrimack. He also belongs to Saint Andrew’s Chapter and Boston Council under the York Rite.
Fred and his wife Mari live in Waltham, and have three adult children. Outside of the fraternity, Fred works as a marketing manager for IBM Watson Health in Cambridge.
2018 Junior Grand Warden

Michael J. Jarzabek – Michael was raised in Eastern Star Lodge #44 (Windham, CT) on June 26th, 2002. He then affiliated with Brigham Lodge (Ludlow) and became a Master Mason in Massachusetts. He has now spent fifteen years as a Master Mason.
Michael served as Worshipful Master of Brigham Lodge from November of 2007 until October of 2008. His first position with the Grand Lodge was as Junior Grand Deacon in 2012 under M.W. Richard J. Stewart. He then was appointed by M.W. Harvey J. Waugh to serve as the District Deputy Grand Master for the Lodges in the 28th Masonic District in 2014 and 2015. He has served as the Chairman of the Lodge of Instruction Committee since 2016.
Michael is a member of the Scottish Rite’s Valley of Springfield. He belongs to Morning Star Chapter and Springfield Council under the York Rite. He is also a member of the Melha Shrine Temple.
Outside of the fraternity, Michael is a master electrician, and he is currently the Vice President of Operations for Utility Service New England in Westfield. He and his wife Beth live in Ludlow with their young daughter.