September Quarterly Communication Recap

By Robert Huke |

The Grand Master opened the 2018 September Quarterly Communication of the Grand Lodge at 1:30 PM on Wednesday, September 12th.

The colors were presented by the following members of the Grand Lodge Tour Guide program:

  • R.W. William Sohni, St. John’s Lodge (Newburyport)
  • R.W. Archibald Campbell, Wamesit Lodge
  • Bro. Claude Burr, Tyrian-Ashler-Acacia Lodge
  • Bro. William Scott, Daniel Webster Lodge
  • Bro. John Crosby, Joseph Webb Lodge

Following the formal opening of the meeting, the Grand Master introduced several visiting dignitaries to the assembled brethren. He also recognized our Past Grand Masters in attendance, our medical team of First Responders, and our volunteers who help coordinate the audio for each meeting.

M.W. Albert T. Ames, the Grand Secretary, read a report on the Voting Powers of the Lodges and Recognition of Proxies. Next, R.W. Stephen C. Cohn delivered the reports of the Committee on Charters and By-Laws. R.W. Warren Richardson, Jr. then delivered the report of the Committee on Records.

Following these reports, M.W. Ames presented and asked for a vote on the Grand Lodge budget for the 2019 fiscal year. The budget was approved by the brethren.

R.W. Scott T. Jareo, Deputy Grand Master, then delivered the necrology.

Per Section 250 of our Grand Constitutions, the Grand Master called for a vote to elect R.W. Peter M. Culbertson (Union Lodge, Nantucket) to the Grand Lodge Board of Directors for a term expiring 2020. The brethren assembled elected R.W. Culbertson to the position.

After his election, the Grand Master installed Wor. Seth A. Landau (Norumbega Fraternity Lodge) as a Grand Chaplain. Wor. Landau is replacing R.W. Irving Luchans, who recently moved out of the jurisdiction.

The September Quarterly is always the time to announce the Grand Warden candidates for the 2019 calendar year. This year, the Grand Master had the privilege of presenting the following four brethren as candidates:

  • R.W. Edgar R. De Leon, Logia America, Candidate for Junior Grand Warden
  • R.W. Timothy S. McGavin, Golden Rule Lodge, Candidate for Junior Grand Warden
  • R.W. Geoffrey Kromer, Caleb Butler Lodge, Candidate for Senior Grand Warden
  • R.W. David J. Raymond, Lynnfield-Zetland Lodge, Candidate for Senior Grand Warden

Following the announcement of one suspension and one expulsion, the Grand Master had the pleasure of recognizing the winners of the recent Grand Lodge Ritual Competition. On two dates this summer, several brethren presented their best Middle Chamber Lecture to a team of judges assembled by the Grand Lecturers. These were the winners:

    • Wor. Carl “Skip” Durham, Norumbega Fraternity Lodge – 1st Place
    • Wor. Robert Consorti, Mount Tabor Lodge – 2nd Place
    • Wor. Patrick Del Val, Milton Lodge – 3rd Place
Jim Orgettas
Bro. Orgettas and the GM share a laugh after the GM announced Bro. Orgettas would be receiving his Joseph Warren Medal.

The Grand Master then called for R.W. James N. Orgettas to come to the East, where he was presented with the Joseph Warren Medal, the highest honor a member of the Craft can receive from his Lodge. He was nominated for the award by his very close friend Wor. Don Hohler, Samuel Crocker Lawrence Lodge. It was a special moment to watch.

R.W. Sergio DeAssis and Wor. Joseph Vincentini (Worshipul Master, The Independence Lodge) then presented the Grand Master with several things they received on behalf of the Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul on their fraternal trip to Brazil this summer.

Finally, the Grand Master received several donations from Lodges in attendance:

Donor  Amount  Intended Fund
Rookie & Master Builder Association  $     250.00 Brotherhood Fund
Prospect Lodge  $  1,000.00 Brotherhood Fund
Prospect Lodge  $  1,000.00 Scholarship Fund
Columbian Lodge  $  5,000.00 Brotherhood Fund
West Roxbury-Dorchester Rookie Charity Association  $     500.00 Brotherhood Fund

The Grand Master delivered his address to the brethren, and then closed Grand Lodge in ample form at approximately 3:00 PM.