Grand Master To Visit Florida
This April, M.W. George F. Hamilton, Grand Master, will continue the popular tradition of hosting a series of luncheons in Florida for our Brethren and their guests. He will bring his warm fraternal greetings, provide updates on Massachusetts Freemasonry, and present Veterans Medals to those Brethren celebrating 50 years in Freemasonry. The events will be held:
- Tuesday, April 9 | Fort Myers, Forest Golf and Country Club
- Wednesday, April 10 | Tampa, The Rusty Pelican
- Thursday, April 11 | West Palm Beach, Breakers West
Invitations will be mailed in mid-February to all our members living in Florida. Please respond with the enclosed reply card indicating the luncheon you would like to attend. The cost is $15 per person and a check made payable to the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts will guarantee your seat. Alternately, you may email Patricia Latham in the Grand Lodge Business Office with the date and location, the name of your guest(s), and any dietary restrictions to hold your spot. Send a check for the appropriate amount to confirm your reservation. Widows of Massachusetts Masons are also warmly invited to attend. The Grand Master hopes to see you in Florida!