Grand Master to Visit With Masons in Florida
Following up on a very popular Florida trip last spring, the Grand Master Paul F. Gleason and his wife Phyllis will again visit Florida in 2019.
M. Wor. Bro. Gleason looks forward to seeing members who have relocated to the Sunshine State, as well as “snowbirds” who winter there and sharing with them all of the news about happenings with Massachusetts Freemasonry. He will also take advantage of this visit to present Veteran’s Medals to brothers celebrating 50 years with the fraternity. The widows of Massachusetts Masons are also warmly invited to attend.
The Grand Master’s schedule is:
The Rusty Pelican in Tampa on Monday, March 18, 2019
The Forest Country Club in Fort Myers on Tuesday, March 19, 2019
The Atlantic National Golf Club in Lake Worth (near West Palm Beach) on Wednesday, March 20 2019.
We hope you can join the Grand Master and your fellow Massachusetts brothers!