Grand Master Florida Visits

By Grand Lodge |

Continuing the popular tradition of the Grand Master Florida visits, M.W. Richard Maggio is bringing his warm fraternal greetings to our brethren and their guests in Florida this March.

The Grand Master looks forward to seeing members who have relocated to the Sunshine State, as well as “snowbirds” who winter there. He will share with them all of the news about happenings with Massachusetts Freemasonry.

He will also take advantage of this visit to present Veteran’s Medals to brothers celebrating 50 years with the fraternity. The widows of Massachusetts Masons are also warmly invited to attend.

Visit Locations & Dates

There are three visits scheduled on the Grand Master’s trip this year.

  • March 16th – Lake Worth
  • March 17th – Fort Myers
  • March 18th – Tampa

More information about each visit can be found on our events calendar.

We hope you can join the Grand Master and your fellow brethren! The cost of a luncheon is $15.00 per person. If you would like to attend one of the Grand Master Florida visits, please contact Patty Latham in the Grand Secretary’s Office. She can be reached at 617-426-6040 or at