Message from the Grand Master: COVID-19

By Grand Lodge |

From the desk of the Grand Master.


We are living in a world that’s seemingly changing by the hour. The World Health Organization declared the Coronavirus outbreak, also known by COVID-19, a worldwide pandemic. Our everyday lives are being disrupted or turned upside down.

We  have witnessed  declines in the stock market, runs on certain goods and supplies at our supermarkets, and a general sense of panic. We are seeing many communications and events being canceled or postponed.

I encourage our lodges to contact members and check on their well-being. We should especially look after our elderly brethren and widows to assure they are safe and have enough food and supplies. Now is the time to be a calming voice for our members and to demonstrate Brotherly Love and Relief.

We are all in this together. We have experienced the devastation of wars and global pandemics in the past and have emerged with strength. Freemasonry, not withstanding,  still survives. Our country and our fraternity have a long history of overcoming adversity. Now we are needed to be a “guiding light” to our communities and to the Craft.

Please remain safe, and Follow Reason. Your Grand Lodge is here for you, your family, and your lodge during these difficult times.

The guidelines for Masonic activity announced on March 11th are still in effect.