Discover personal growth, lifelong friendships, and incredible opportunities with Massachusetts Freemasonry. Take the first step to being selected to become a part of a legacy that has shaped history and become part of our brotherhood. Let’s start your journey together. Follow the link below to express interest in Massachusetts Freemasonry today!

The essential qualities Masons share in their diverse lives are a belief in a Supreme Being and a desire to strive for:
Our Values
Being a Mason is about a father helping his son make better decisions; a business leader striving to bring morality to the workplace; a thoughtful man learning to work through tough issues in his life.

Masons come from all walks of life: accountants, teachers, office workers, laborers — you name it.
They represent all creeds and cultures, and all are welcome. In Massachusetts alone, there are more than 225 Lodges with more than 29,000 members. You are bound to develop lasting friendships, meet new business associates, and broaden your circle of friends. No matter where your travels take you, it’s great to know there are brothers you can depend on and trust.

Fellowship, friendship & community are key components of anyone's life.
It is through fellowship that we learn about ourselves. We support our local communities not because we’re required to do so, but because we genuinely want to help those around us.

Masons seek to improve themselves and to help others, not because they think they should, but because they want to.
Because of this crucial distinction, Masons give freely of themselves and ask nothing in return. Nationally, Masons give away more than $3 million every day to relieve suffering. When you’re a Mason, the satisfaction derived from selfless service is immeasurable, for it is in helping others that one most helps himself.

You’ll share the values of the great men who founded the United States: Men who believed in the brotherhood of man and the ideals expressed in the U.S. Constitution.
Freemasonry is built upon the tenets of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth. Brotherly love is the practice of the golden rule. Relief embodies charity for all mankind. Truth is honesty, fair play and adherence to cardinal virtues. Above all, men of all faiths are welcome, as long as they believe in a Supreme Being.

When you become a Mason, you become part of ancient tradition that spans centuries.
From the original stonemasons that produced some of the most majestic architectural wonders of Europe to modern day Masons who participate in numerous charitable foundations, you’ll feel connected to a vital, growing and spiritually uplifting organization of moral men.