2023 Senior Grand Warden Candidate Announced

At the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts Quarterly Communication on September 14, 2022, M.W. Richard Maggio, Grand Master announced R.W. John Emerson Kelley Jr (Star of Bethlehem Lodge, Wakefield) would be the sole candidate for Senior Grand Warden in 2023. Brother Kelley has served as the Grand Master’s Grand Marshal for the past three years. It has been the tradition of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts since 1906, that at the completion of the Grand Marshal’s tenure, he serves as Senior Grand Warden the following year.
Brother Kelley was raised in Star of Bethlehem Lodge on April 21, 1999. He served as Master of the Lodge in 2006 and 2007. His first Grand Lodge position was Grand Steward in 2014, appointed by M.W. Harvey J. Waugh, Grand Master. In 2015 he was the Grand Standard Bearer. He was the District Deputy Grand Master of the 13th Masonic District for 2016, serving one year instead of the usual two years. He did not complete his term as M.W. Paul F. Gleason, Grand Master, selected him to serve as Grand Sword Bearer; a position he held between 2017 and 2019. In 2020 he was installed Grand Marshal. His term as Senior Grand Warden in 2023 will mark Brother Kelley’s 10th consecutive year serving as a Grand Lodge officer.