District Deputy Grand Master’s Last Visit in the News

By Lee H. Fenn |

On December 3, 2018, Rt. Wor. Chris St. Cyr, District Deputy Grand Master for the 24th District visited Quinebaug Lodge for the last time as District Deputy.

Wor. George Makara, Master of Rt. Wor. Bro. St. Cyr’s home lodge,  praised his rise as “worthy of a man” to the assembled 100 plus Master Masons.

His visit, a joy for the Lodge and the District he’d served for the past two years, was also written up in the Southbridge News.

Bro. Vincenzo Jimmy Falzone wrote in the article that “the light of Masonry shined bright in him [Rt. Wor. Bro. St. Cyr] as he traveled to other Masonic Lodges through-out the state, with the simplest of a handshake, well wishes, determination, and participation in all the Lodge endeavors.”