Foreign Relations Committee Report: June 2018

By Robert Huke |

The June 13, 2018 Quarterly Communication featured an important report from the Committee on Foreign Relations.

Four Grand Lodges had petitioned the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts for requests for recognition:

  • Gran Logia los Andes (Columbia)
  • Gran Logia Occidental de Colombia con sede en Cali
  • Gran Logia Oriental de Colombia “Fracisco de Paula Santander”
  • Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Mason, District of Columbia, Incorporated

The Committee declared the Grand Lodges met the standards for recognition.

Further, the Committee on Foreign Relations recommended the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts grant blanket recognition (emphasis added) to all Prince Hall Affiliated Grand Lodges within the United States that can trace lineage to African Lodge #459; is recognized by the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Massachusetts; and, is recognized by the Grand Lodge already recognized by the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts for their territorial jurisdiction.

The measures to approve the four request for recognition, as well as the blanket recognition of the Prince Hall Affiliated Grand Lodges meeting the stated criteria, were approved.

Finally, a number of so-called “Grand Lodges” continue to appear in North America that do not meet the standards for recognition. It is important that no lodge with the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts admit any brother from a lodge that is not listed in the List of Lodges – Masonic, published by Pantograph, in Bloomington, Illinois.

In closing, the brethren were reminded that if they are planning to visit Lodges outside of North America, they are advised to procure a “Letter of Introduction” from the Grand Secretary to ensure the Lodge to be visited is under the jurisdiction of a Grand Lodge recognized by the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. Also, all formal communications with foreign Grand Lodges must be directed through the Office of the Grand Secretary.