Grand Lodge Installation of 2020 Officers

By Grand Lodge |

The Boston Masonic Building was busy early on the morning of December 27th, as the 2019 Grand Lodge Officers prepared for a peaceful transition into the 2020 Grand Lodge year.

The day began bright and early with the presentation of certificates of appreciation from M.W. Paul F. Gleason to all of his retiring Grand Lodge officers. Bro. Gleason thanked everyone for their efforts on behalf of the Grand Lodge, and encouraged everyone to give M.W. Richard Maggio the same dedication and effort in his administration.

Following lunch, the Grand Lodge prepared to open at 2:30PM for the formal installation ceremony.

Opening Grand Lodge

The colors were presented by the Aleppo Shriners pipe band, represented by the following 10 Nobles (what Shrine members call themselves, for those unfamiliar):

  • Brian Miller, Director
  • Andre Gibeau, Assistant Director
  • Harry Cook
  • Robert Haley
  • Alan Archibald
  • Robert Archibald
  • Stephen Bogiages
  • Ronald Henderson
  • Roy Davis
  • Lloyd Wentzell

After Noble Miller gave some remarks on the Pipe Band to the brethren in attendance, the Grand Master proceeded with the formal opening of the Grand Lodge. Once the opening was complete, M.W. Paul F. Gleason introduced the dignitaries from various local Masonic organizations in attendance. Then, he introduced our Past Grand Masters, first responder team, and volunteers on the audio/video team for the afternoon.

M.W. Albert T. Ames, Grand Secretary, then delivered the annual report of the Grand Lodge.

Introduction of Guests

The Grand Master then asked for a commitee of past Grand Masters to form, for the purpose of introducing all guests from visiting Grand Lodges. Our visitors were introduced in order of their Masonic precedence – aka, the oldest Grand Lodges were introduced first. In all, guests from 16 visiting Grand Lodges were introduced.

Before departing the east of Ionic Hall for the final time as sitting Grand Master, M.W. Paul F. Gleason had the pleasure of seeing his official Grand Master’s portrait unveiled. R.W. Richard Maggio, in his last act as Grand Marshal, had the pleasure of removing the portrait’s cloak for the Grand Master.

Grand Lodge portrait
M.W. Paul F. Gleason looks upon his official portrait seconds after it is unveiled.


The Grand Master was then escorted from the room, where removed his tricorn, gauntlets, and gavel to be returned to the hall for the ceremony. Brother Gleason was then escorted back to the East by the Grand Sword Bearer to begin the installation ceremony. He appointed a committee of past Grand Masters to escort the Grand Master-elect, R.W. Richard Maggio, to the East of Ionic Hall. After Brother Maggio was formally introduced as Grand Master-elect by our senior past Grand Master, M.W. Albert T. Ames, he was then brought to the altar to receive the benefit of prayer from R.W. Rev. Dr. Richard E. Haley, Grand Chaplain.

M.W. Richard Maggio receives the benefit of prayer before being installed as Grand Master.

As is tradition during a Grand Lodge officer installation in Massachusetts, a formal procession of all Grand Lodge officers, past Grand Lodge officers, and sitting Worshipful Masters then took place. Newly installed Grand Master, M.W. Richard Maggio, introduced several brethren from William Parkman Lodge (his lodge) who carried the implements of Grand Lodge in the procession. A particular source of pride for the Grand Master? The participation of his sons in the ceremony.

After the procession concluded, the Grand Master installed the Senior Grand Warden, Junior Grand Warden, Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer. After each was invested with the jewel and implements of their office, the Deputy Grand Master was escorted to the altar to take his obligation. R.W. Peter Culbertson was then escorted to the East, to take his official station to the left of the Grand Master.

The Grand Master then had the honor of installing a new District Grand Master, R.W. Albert C. Hopper. Brother Hopper presides over our District Grand Lodge in Panama.

Next, the 2020 District Deputy Grand Masters took the oath of obligation for their offices. After the Grand Master invested each of them with the jewels of their office, the Deputy Grand Master conducted the rest of the installation. R.W. Peter Culbertson installed the remaining slate of Grand Lodge Officers.

When he was finished, the Grand Marshal, R.W. John E. Kelley, Jr. proclaimed the installation complete.

Grand Lodge then closed for the afternoon. The guests assembled then prepared for the Feast of Saint John the Evangelist, which took place in the Grand Master’s Dining Hall in the evening.