June Quarterly Communication – 2019
The June Quarterly Communication started promptly at 1:30 P.M. on June 12th when R.W. Richard Maggio, Grand Marshal, escorted M.W. Paul F. Gleason to the East of Ionic Hall.

The colors were presented by members of Merrimack Valley Daylight Lodge, who spoke about the programs their Lodge offers, and invited the brethren assembled to consider attending in the near feature. Representing them were:
Lodge Members:
- Orbin David Laplante, Worshipful Master
- Thomas Richard Berry
- Steven Alan Burton
- Archibald Hugh Campbell
- Donald Paul Hayes, Jr.
- Richard John Thompson
Opening & Committee Reports
Once the color guard was dismissed, the Grand Master proceeded with the formal opening of Grand Lodge. Several distinguished guests who represent neighboring jurisdictions or other Masonic organizations were introduced. Following their introductions, the Grand Master then asked M.W. Albert T. Ames, Grand Secretary, for the report on the voting powers of Lodges and recognition of proxies. R.W. Stephen C. Cohn then gave the report of the committee on charters and by-laws. Next, R.W. W. Warren Richardson, Jr. delivered the report of the committee on records.
M.W. Donald G. Hicks, Jr. read the report of the foreign relations committee, where he announced the formal recognition of two Grand Lodges:
- Grande Oriente De Minas Gerais, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil
- Grande Oriente De Mato Grosso Do Sul, State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
Bro. Ames then read a petition for consolidation, where Beth Horon Lodge (Needham) and Moses Michael Hays Lodge (Needham) would merge under the name of Moses Michael Hays Lodge. The new Moses Michael Hays Lodge will operate using the charter of the old Beth Horon Lodge.
Amendments & Necrology
The Grand Master called upon R.W. Mason W. Russell to lead discussion about the proposed Grand Constitutions amendments announced in June. Bro. Russell spoke in favor of the proposed amendments. There were no speakers who were against the amendments.
The Grand Master then asked his Deputy Grand Master, R.W. Lawrence Bethune to read the necrology for all of the past Grand Lodge officers who entered the Celestial Lodge above since the last communication.
The Grand Master then made several presentations. First, he asked his Grand Marshal, R.W. Richard Maggio to present Wor. Patrick DelVal to the East of Ionic Hall. He thanked Bro. DelVal for his efforts in modernizing the equipment used for the MyCHIP program, and presented him with a certificate of appreciation.
Next, the Grand Master was able to award two more Grand Master’s Awards, one to Weymouth United Masonic Lodge, and one to Thomas Talbot Lodge.

Two Lodges have reached their 100th anniversary of operation this year: Baalis Sanford Lodge and Universal Lodge. The Grand Master issued certificates commemorating the milestone occasion to representatives of each Lodge.
Following the official presentations, several donations were made to the Grand Lodge Brotherhood Fund by the brethren assembled.
With nothing further to come before Grand Lodge, the Grand Master then delivered his Quarterly address. The meeting closed at approximately 2:45pm.