Woburn Masons H.E.L.P Program Helps Over 80 People
On the morning of July 9, fourteen Masons at the Woburn H.E.LP. program provided 80 + people with health/hospital equipment like walkers, wheelchairs and hospital beds. Massachusetts Freemasons run the Hospital Equipment Loan Program (H.E.L.P.) This 50+year old community program lends equipment to those in need at no cost.

Some of the Masons and H.E.L.P.ers from that day.
Brother Brian Cavanaugh, a member of the Lynnfield- Zetland Lodge in the town of Wakefield organizes the Woburn program every Saturday morning at 500 West Cummings Park (Rear) Washington Street. Other H.E.L.P. locations are Centerville and Framingham lodges, www.capecodhelp.org and www.mason-metrowest.org and a location in Springfield to be announced soon.

A small sample of the equipment available.