New Grand Master, Officers Elected

By Robert Huke |

At the Grand Lodge Quarterly Communication on Wednesday, December 11, 2019, R.W. Richard Maggio was unanimously elected to serve as the 90th Grand Master of Masons in Massachusetts. He will succeed M.W. Paul F. Gleason. Bro. Maggio served as Junior Grand Warden in 2015. He has been the Grand Marshal for the last three years.

The office of Grand Master is a volunteer position that is traditionally held by one brother for three consecutive one-year terms. An election will take place prior to the second and third years of his term.

R.W. George F. Hamilton was elected Senior Grand Warden, while R.W. Christopher St. Cyr was elected Junior Grand Warden. Each will serve a one-year term in office.

R.W. Mason W. Russell was elected to serve as Grand Treasurer for 2020. M.W. Albert T. Ames was elected as Grand Secretary. One Trustee was elected to the Masonic Education & Charity Trust, Bro. John R. Halsey, Sr. His term will last until 2027. Three men were also elected to serve on the Grand Lodge Board of Directors: R.W. Thomas A. Rorrie, R.W. Kenneth W. Pfeiffer, and R.W. William E. Yanakakis. R.W. Kevin Willis was also elected to finish the final 2 years of R.W. Maggio’s term on the board.

The new Grand Lodge officers will be installed at the Grand Lodge Stated Communication on December 27th, 2019 in Boston. The Installation of Officers will be followed with the Feast of Saint John the Evangelist. The next Deputy Grand Master will be announced at the Feast of Saint John, as it is an appointed position.