Paul Revere Remembrance Ceremony Held
The historic Granary Burial Ground is a 0.4 mile walk away from the Boston Masonic building, where Masons from all over the commonwealth congregate frequently. It also happens to be the final resting place of Paul Revere, the 11th Grand Master of Masons of Massachusetts.
On Thursday, May 10th, the Paul Revere House organized a ceremony marking the 200th anniversary of Paul Revere’s death. The 89th and current Grand Master, Paul Gleason, was honored to be invited to attend and speak at the remembrance ceremony.
After a wreath was laid at Revere’s burial site by his fifth great grandaughter, Kira Revere, the Grand Master spoke to the guests assembled. He closed his remarks with the following:
“As we have gathered here today to remember the 200th anniversary of his passing, I’d like to leave you with this quote from our Installation of Officers ceremony.
It illustrates for me at least one way I can relate to the experiences Paul Revere had both as a Mason and a prominent public figure during the Revolutionary War period.
This part of the ceremony is delivered to an ingoing Lodge Master, and explains the symbolism of the Masonic square and the compasses:
The Square teaches us to harmonize our conduct by the principles of morality and virtue.
The Compasses teach us to limit our desires in every station, [knowing] that, rising to eminence by merit, we should live respected – and die regretted.I have no doubt that our Masonic values served as a compass to guide Revere to be the best version of himself, and he was certainly a man who rose to eminence based on merit, and died regretted.”
Following the conclusion of the ceremony, bells rang 83 times at several locations, including the Old North Church. 83 times in recognition of each of the years he lived.