R.W. John A. MacLeod, Weymouth United Masonic Lodge, Installed Deputy Grand Master
At the December 27, 2024 Stated Communication of the Grand Lodge of Masons of Massachusetts, R.W. John A. MacLeod was installed Deputy Grand Master for 2025 by M.W. George F. Hamilton, Grand Master. The Deputy Grand Master is the second highest ranking officer of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts.

M.W. George F. Hamilton handpicked Brother MacLeod for the position. He will assist the Grand Master and lead Grand Lodge during his absence for the next year. He is also the Grand Master ex officio should the Grand Master not be able to complete his term. MacLeod was also appointed to begin a three-year term to the Grand Lodge Board of Directors.
The Deputy Grand Master began his Masonic career in January 2012 when he joined Weymouth United Masonic Lodge. That September he was installed Junior Steward of the Lodge and began progressing through the line of officers, eventually serving as Worshipful Master, or presiding officer, in 2018. Freemasons use the original definition of “Worshipful,” meaning honorable; British mayors and judges are still addressed as Worshipful. As Deputy Grand Master, MacLeod will be called “Right Worshipful”.
Additionally, Brother MacLeod was president of the South Shore Masonic Building Association from 2015 through 2021, a Lodge Ambassador since 2018, and their Assistant Treasurer for 2020 through 2022.He has been a Lodge Trustee since 2022.
He also belongs to Wampatuck Lodge, East Bridgewater, and is an Honorary Member of Delta Lodge, Braintree, Euclid Lodge, Weymouth, and Norfolk Union Lodge, Randolph.
In 2021 he was appointed District Deputy Grand Master of the Eighth Masonic District for the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, a position he held for two years. The Eighth Masonic District is comprised of the following Lodges: Rural Lodge, Quincy (chartered in 1801), Norfolk Union Lodge (1819), Weymouth United Masonic Lodge (1825), Delta Lodge (1846), Euclid Lodge (1916), and Milton Lodge (1922). There are 36 districts in the jurisdiction, each led by a District Deputy Grand Master, who is the personal representative of the Grand Master to the lodges in his district.
Active in several Masonic organizations, the Deputy Grand Master is a member of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite for the Valley of Boston. He belongs to the York Rite’s Saint Paul’s Royal Arch Chapter, Boston. He is an Aleppo Shriner, Wilmington.
Born and raised in Weymouth, MacLeod is Director of Asset Management and Chief Procurement Officer for the city. He also served the community as a member of the Commission on Disabilities, Library Building Committee, Public Safety Advisory Committee, Chairman, School Building Committee, Mount Hope Cemetery Board of Directors, and for Weymouth Youth Soccer.
He and his wife, Paula, raised their three children, Ryan, Sarah, and Evan in Weymouth. He is the proud grandfather of Angus, 2 years-old, and Colm, six-months old.