The roll of the workmen has been called…
…and the following Master Masons have not answered to their name.
At the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts’ September Quarterly Communication, a Necrology was read for the following, departed Brothers:
Right Worshipful Alvin Richmond Piper
Raised: Charles A. Welch Lodge, Maynard, April 15, 1954
District Deputy Grand Master: Marlboro 24th Masonic District, 1971-1972
Veteran’s Medal: 2004
50-Year Past Master Certificate: March 10, 2010
Entered the Celestial Lodge above: August 13, 2017
A Mason for 63 years, 3 months, 30 days
Right Worshipful John Elkins Eldert
Raised: Fraternity Lodge (now known as Norumbega Fraternity Lodge), Newtonville, May 19, 1950
Joseph Warren Distinguished Service Medal: December 17, 1992
District Deputy Grand Master: Waltham 5th Masonic District, 1995-1996
Veteran’s Medal: 1999
Entered the Celestial Lodge above: September 5, 2017
A Mason for 67 years, 3 months, 18 days
Right Worshipful Robert Chester Keogh
Raised: Wilder Lodge, Leominster, September 27, 1966
Joseph Warren Distinguished Service Medal: September 12, 1976
District Deputy Grand Master: Fitchburg 13th Masonic District, 1977-1978
Veteran’s Medal: 2016
Entered the Celestial Lodge above: September 8, 2017
A Mason for 50 years, 11 months, 13 days