WIBM: Bro. Juan Uribe

Why I Became A Mason (WIBM):
My name is Juan Ignacio Uribe and I am a Brother at Huelen Lodge in Santiago – Chile.
One of my main concerns always has been to be a better man, to be helpful when needed, and to be able to do something good. I would like to think that once I leave this world, I will leave something good behind and that I will have tried to make the world a better place. It doesn´t matter how big or small, just to be able to say that I’ve done something good.
I have always felt curious about Masonry. I didn’t know what to believe. I have also always felt inclined to take a look myself, so I can have my own opinion about it. A few years ago I went through a very difficult period in my life, I felt lost, insecure, and in need of guidance in many aspects. At that moment, I met someone who would become a very beloved Brother and I’ve had the luck of becoming part of his family. He happens to be my wife’s (whom I hadn’t yet met) grandfather. He was a Freemason. After I found out he was a Mason, I asked him if I could be a member (now I know we’re not members, we are Brothers) and he helped me to do so.
The timing couldn’t have been better. I felt I was in the right place at a time I felt I wasn’t part of anything. It was something that made me feel comfortable and secure. It is a starting point and I feel that I’ve done something good.
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