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June Day 2021

By Robert Huke |

The Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company (chartered in 1638) is the oldest chartered military organization ...


Masons March in Memorial Day Parade

By Robert Huke |

The Grand Master and his officers were happy to march in the town of Wilmington's annual Memorial Day Parade! One of our goals this year? Getting out into the public and participating in as many town festivals, parades, and events as possible.


R.W. H. Robert Huke, III (1947-2021)

By Robert Huke |

The roll of the workmen has been called, and unfortunately, another member of the Craft has not answered to his name. On May 13th, 2021, R.W. H. Robert Huke, III passed away. He was 74 years old.


Grand Master’s Listening Tour

By Robert Huke |

The Grand Master is holding a series of online Listening Tour events in the coming weeks. The first session is on Thursday, January 28th. Register to attend at
